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Convent of Mercy Nursery, Folly Lane, Downpatrick, County Down


2023/2024 School Year

23rd Jan 2024
In preparation for the big bird watch this week we have made bird cakes to place...
23rd Jan 2024
 This week we have been developing our awareness of what animals live in the...
23rd Jan 2024
We have been exploring ice in the water tray. We have been observing it melt due...
20th Jan 2024
18th Jan 2024
We had fun making fluffy paint! We mixed together shaving foam and glue then used...
18th Jan 2024
It’s a very very cold week and we have been exploring ice in the water tray....
18th Jan 2024
The children have been exploring shape, measuring and numbers in their environment...
15th Jan 2024
At the present moment it appears that we will be closed on Thursday due to strike...
11th Jan 2024
The children have settled back after Christmas break and have been enjoying catching...