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Convent of Mercy Nursery, Folly Lane, Downpatrick, County Down
Fran Duff School Photographer Taking Individual Photos [24th February 2025]
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Mission Statement

‘To help one person grow is to help build the world’

We the Governors of the Convent of Mercy School believe the school to be a vital part of the Catholic Community. We are firmly committed to the aims of Catholic Education and to promoting the all round development of each child.

Our school will always aim to:

  • Provide a safe, secure and happy environment for each child.
  • Treat every child as an individual, with unique talents, needs and abilities.
  • Show care and respect for all pupils and staff.
  • Have a welcoming and caring atmosphere.
  • Promote partnership with parents.
  • Keep up to date with educational developments
  • Promote equal opportunities.
  • Be part of the community.
  • Promote positive behaviour.

Convent of Mercy Nursery School Aims

We believe that all children are unique and should be valued as individuals.

We hope that by the end of their time with us, the children will have developed a wide range of skills.

We hope that they will:

  • be more independent
  • be able to talk confidently to children and staff
  • show a willingness to listen
  • begin to develop social awareness, to share, to take turns and to value others
  • be curious, have gained knowledge and experience of the world in which they live
  • develop an ability to concentrate, to persevere and to follow through an activity
  • look forward to their new school with confidence