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Convent of Mercy Nursery, Folly Lane, Downpatrick, County Down
Green Party [14th March 2025] | St. Patrick’s Green Party Weekend We will be having a green day to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day on Friday 14th March and the children are invited to dress in green outfits. The Nursery will be closed on Monday 17th & Tuesday 18th March.
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Convent of Mercy Nursery School Open Day

You are invited to visit the Convent of Mercy Nursery School on Friday 5th January between 10.30pm until 2pm – by appointment only.

Please book a time slot on the school website - (we will review the time slots available based on demand).

You can visit the classrooms and meet the Nursery teachers and assistants.

Check out the virtual tour and top tips for applying on the ‘Applying to Nursery School’ section on the website from Tuesday 12th December.