Access Keys:

Convent of Mercy Nursery, Folly Lane, Downpatrick, County Down
Green Party [14th March 2025]
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Time Table

The Health Visitor will be coming into the Nursery  Monday 26th, Tuesday 27th & Thursday 29th February - to carry out the 3+ Review.  This is a joint Health-Education initiative, which is being implemented as part of the Early Intervention Transformation Programme (EITP).

The 3+ Review aims to holistically review the developmental progress of pre-school children.   Information from the Review can be used to support the child’s development, assist pre-school education settings with planning for the delivery of the Curricular Guidance for Pre-School Education, and identify any potential areas for focus for your pre-school class, both generally, and for any individual children who may require more targeted support.  Early identification of need also enables timely referral to support services where appropriate.