Access Keys:

Convent of Mercy Nursery, Folly Lane, Downpatrick, County Down

Dinosaurs Information & Links

Although dinosaurs have been extinct for about 65 million years! We can learn about them from their bones and fossils that have been found all over the world. Just last year a little girl who is the same age as you was out for a walk with her daddy in Wales and found a dinosaur footprint.  Wow - can you image how exciting it would be to find a footprint?  Maybe keep an eye out for a footprint when you are out and about.

Ulster Museum 

Many of you have been to visit the Ulster Museum and have been able to see the dinosaurs skeletons check out the links below to see the Ulster Museum Website.  Why not add going to visit the Ulster Museum to your list of things to do in the future.

How to see a dinosaur in your house!!!!!!!!!

How to use Google 3D dinosaurs To use the feature, you’ll first need to make sure you have the right software. You’ll be using your phone or tablet, so for Android users, Google requires an operating system of Android 7.0 or later. For iPhone users, you need to be running iOS 11.0 or later. To bring the dinosaurs to life, you’ll need to search for one of the 10 named dinosaurs on Google and then tap the ‘view in 3D’ option for it to bring it into your surroundings. Of course this presents a few more challenges than animals in 3D, given that dinosaurs are much bigger – and users can adjust its size to understand just how big it is in relation to the items around you.