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Convent of Mercy Nursery, Folly Lane, Downpatrick, County Down

March has arrived!

Good morning everyone a new month has arrived and the weather is sunny for the start of the week.  

During the month of March we develop our awareness of people who help us within the local community.  We discuss with the children the role of the bin collectors, postal service, nurses, doctors and teachers.  What would happen if people didn't collect the bins? It would build up and become smelly.  If we become poorly who can help us?  

We normally set up a Baby Ward caring for the babies using if possible a few real nappies, baby towels, bowls, sponges or clothes.  We add the dolls to the water tray with baby bubble bath and sponges.  The children enjoy using the real resources and as many are big brothers and sisters they have been carefully watch you and use their observations in their play. 

We will be preparing for a St. Patrick's Day home celebrations so why not use three corks tied together with an elastic band to make some decorations.  Mrs McCoy & Mrs Magee have made a video to show you what to do.  

Make a plan for the week to watch out for the bins being emptied and the postal deliveries in your street - do they have uniform? Do they have a bag, van or a trolley to carry the letters or parcels. Can you check if the number on the envelop matches the number on your front door.

Todays story is Polly the Potty Post lady.