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Convent of Mercy Nursery, Folly Lane, Downpatrick, County Down

Nurse Laura’s Visit

24th Mar 2023

Today we had a visit from Nurse Laura who is Ciaran’s mummy.  She show us her uniform and explained that nurses wear different coloured uniforms to help people know what job they do within the hospital.  We were very excited as she brought lots of equipment and she explained how she would use them to check our breathing, heart rate and temperature if we were poorly.  We learnt what the different pieces of equipment were called such as a stethoscope, thermometer, nebuliser and monitor. 

We got to try the different pieces of equipment and could see that if we had to go to hospital that these were to help make us feel better and not to be scared.  

Then Laura explained that if we had a fall we might break a bone and that the nurses would use a a sling or a support to help us recover. Can anyone remember the shape of the sling? 

Ciaran helped his mummy to check that everyone was ok and that if we are sick that the nurses can carefully look after us.  Then we all got a sticker for being so brave!

Thank you to Laura and Ciaran for helping everyone learn more about how nurses make us feel better.