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Convent of Mercy Nursery, Folly Lane, Downpatrick, County Down

Pancake Tuesday

Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday, is the traditional feast day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Lent – the 40 days leading up to Easter – was traditionally a time of fasting for grown ups.  You can help do jobs around the home - make your bed or tidy away your toys all by yourself.

Why do we eat pancakes? The tradition comes from families using up all ingredients in their cupboards so that they can start Lent the next day. The ingredients - eggs, flour and milk - used to be very common things for people to give up for Lent, so it made sense to use them all up.

We love pancakes in the Nursery and they can be extra delicious when toasted 🥞. You can buy pancakes from the shop or bakery but have you ever made your own. 

You can buy premixed packs or use the recipe below.



  • STEP 1

    Put 100g plain flour, 2 large eggs, 300ml milk, 1 tbsp sunflower or vegetable oil and a pinch of salt into a bowl or large jug, then whisk to a smooth batter.

  • STEP 2

    Set aside for 30 mins to rest if you have time, or start cooking straight away.

  • STEP 3

    Set a medium frying pan or crêpe pan over a medium heat and carefully wipe it with some oiled kitchen paper.

  • STEP 4

    When hot, cook your pancakes for 1 min on each side until golden, keeping them warm in a low oven as you go.

  • STEP 5

    Serve with lemon wedges and caster sugar, or your favourite filling. Once cold, you can layer the pancakes between baking parchment, then wrap in cling film and freeze for up to 2 months.

  Once you have made your pancakes the fun can begin! What will you add to your pancakes? Some fruit, chocolate spread or Maple syrup?

Yet pancakes aren’t just for breakfast you can make savoury pancakes - these pancakes can be more in the French style of crepes. You can add some cheese and ham with some sun dried tomatoes 🍅. 

Then for dessert a grown up could roast or heat some bananas in a frying 🍌 then add them to the pancakes with some Carmel sauce and ice cream.

Another favourite is using up mini chocolate bars - a snickers or Mars bar can be delicious.