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Convent of Mercy Nursery, Folly Lane, Downpatrick, County Down
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PSNI Visit

8th Mar 2018

Today Veronica and Gemma visited the Nursery to talk to us about how they help in the community as part of the topic ‘People Who Help Us’. They spoke to the children about the importance of wearing their seatbelt, using their booster seats and Strange Danger.

We looked at their uniform - their crest, hat and coats. If we get lost we can identify their uniform and ask them to help us find our mum or dad - they will be at the St. Patrick’s Day parade to help those who might get lost. We discussed that if someone we didn’t know offered us sweets or to go and see a puppy that they should shout Stranger Danger to get help. 

They explained how they work together with the fire and ambulance service to help people stay safe. During the recent snowy weather they helped people to stay safe - by redirecting them away from accidents and bringing shopping to someone who could get out of their house. Someone times they have to arrest people who don’t do the right thing - Miss Donoghue pretended that she broke windows and took money so they arrested her and used handcuff- Milo said she could be released after 59 minutes as she said she wouldn’t do it again.

The children have been learning that we can call 999 to get help from the police, fire or ambulance service and that we have to learn our address so they know how to find us. 

HOMEWORK - can you help your children learn their address - number on the door and street name.